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Benchmarking example

We provide details on a run of a single Promethion flow cell used to sequence a rapid-kit whole-genomic library to exhaustion. This is a smaller data set as compared to the deepest ligation kit libraries, but sufficiently large to provide a reference.

The objective

Our structural variant pipeline demands proper duplex calling to avoid taking complementary strands as falsely independent SV evidence. Thus, our goal was to perform batched basecalling using dorado duplex.

Importantly, duplex basecalling:

  • occurs by nanopore channel (different channels cannot sequence two duplex strands)
  • requires access to all reads from a given channel

Batching MinKnow-generated POD5 files creates a problem, since reads from all channels are found in all files. Therefore, a preparative step is needed to ensure that all reads from a given channel are found in a single file. In ont-mdi-tools, this is the sequence:

  • MinKnow » repack » basecall

The data

MinKnow generated >2K POD5 files of 570G net size from our flowcell.

$ du -h pod5_pass
570G    pod5_pass

$ ls -l pod5_pass | wc -l

Repacking the POD5 files

We use repack to refer to the parsing of reads such that:

  • there are many fewer total POD5 files once done
  • each resulting POD5 file has all reads from a predetermined group of nanopore channels

We pointed ‘’ at ‘pod5_pass’ and sourced the script using:

  • /dev/shm/ as POD5_BUFFER_DIR

The job completed in 3h 1min, generating the following output:

$ du -h pod5_pass_by_channel_group/
570G    pod5_pass_by_channel_group/

$ ls -l pod5_pass_by_channel_group/ | wc -l

$ ls -lh pod5_pass_by_channel_group/ | head -n5
total 570G
-rw-r--r-- 1 xx xx 6.3G Feb 16 16:04 channel_group-0.pod5
-rw-r--r-- 1 xx xx  11G Feb 16 16:13 channel_group-10.pod5
-rw-r--r-- 1 xx xx  12G Feb 16 16:14 channel_group-11.pod5
-rw-r--r-- 1 xx xx  11G Feb 16 16:16 channel_group-12.pod5

Note the preservation of net file size in many fewer repacked files.

Each file batch completed processing by pod5 subset in ~2min:

Parsed 8669416 targets
Calculated 200000 transfers
Subsetting: 100%|##########| 60/60 [02:06<00:00,  2.10s/Files]

Duplex basecalling

We next pointed ‘’ at ‘pod5_pass_by_channel_group’ and sourced the script using:

  • /dev/shm/ as POD5_BUFFER_DIR
  • POD5_BATCH_SIZE of 2 (files are now much larger)
  • 8 CPU
  • 4 A40 GPU
  • 96 GB requested RAM

The job completed in 9h 49min, generating the following output (we use downstream read alignment):

$ ls -lh ubam/ | head -n 5
total 42G
-rwxrwxr-- 1 xx xx  1.1G Feb 16 19:30 batch_1_0.unaligned.bam
-rwxrwxr-- 1 xx xx  979M Feb 16 21:13 batch_1_10.unaligned.bam
-rwxrwxr-- 1 xx xx  1.6G Feb 16 21:37 batch_1_12.unaligned.bam
-rwxrwxr-- 1 xx xx  1.7G Feb 16 22:03 batch_1_14.unaligned.bam

Each file batch completed processing by dorado duplex in ~20min. Critically, monitoring during the run using nvidia-smi and top verified that basecalling was nearly continuously active with all four GPUs activated at 100% load. The batch size provided an excellent balance between short load time and much longer processing time.

[2024-02-16 19:13:01.172] [info] > No duplex pairs file provided, pairing will be performed automatically
[2024-02-16 19:13:37.758] [info]  - set batch size for cuda:0 to 640
[2024-02-16 19:13:37.821] [info]  - set batch size for cuda:1 to 640
[2024-02-16 19:13:37.885] [info]  - set batch size for cuda:2 to 640
[2024-02-16 19:13:37.949] [info]  - set batch size for cuda:3 to 640
[2024-02-16 19:13:48.532] [info]  - set batch size for cuda:0 to 1792
[2024-02-16 19:13:49.053] [info]  - set batch size for cuda:1 to 1792
[2024-02-16 19:13:49.545] [info]  - set batch size for cuda:2 to 1792
[2024-02-16 19:13:50.037] [info]  - set batch size for cuda:3 to 1792
[2024-02-16 19:13:50.038] [info] > Starting Stereo Duplex pipeline
[2024-02-16 19:13:50.067] [info] > Reading read channel info
[2024-02-16 19:13:50.474] [info] > Processed read channel info
[2024-02-16 19:30:20.844] [info] > Simplex reads basecalled: 254046
[2024-02-16 19:30:20.845] [info] > Simplex reads filtered: 65
[2024-02-16 19:30:20.845] [info] > Duplex reads basecalled: 2684
[2024-02-16 19:30:20.846] [info] > Duplex rate: 2.444646%
[2024-02-16 19:30:20.846] [info] > Basecalled @ Bases/s: 1.215756e+06